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Sideshow transforms the unboxing format into shoppable videos

Baby Yoda Figurine - Sideshow

It's been a month since Sideshow embraced our video shoppable solution, and its performance mirrors the quality of its renowned figurines.

Sideshow key figures


Total views on shoppable videos


Conversion rate on shoppable videos



How to achieve these results?

A video journey with your favorite characters!

Video presentation significantly enhances our ability to immerse ourselves in the product's universe. Sideshow has capitalized on current events and the autumn season by showcasing notable pieces focused on the Halloween theme. Dracula, Frankenstein—everything is there to stimulate the imagination of numerous fans.

Beyond current trends, Sideshow also emphasizes experience and surprise. It's true that brands have a wide range of options when it comes to content creation.

  • Demonstration: showcasing product features and usage.
  • Testimonials: customer reviews enhance consumer confidence.
  • Behind the Scenes: insights into the brand (product manufacturing, company life…).
  • Unboxing: product unpacking and customer perspective upon receipt.
  • Comparisons: honest and objective comparisons of different products' features.
  • Influence: reviews from influencers/experts reinforcing buyer confidence.
  • Storytelling: stories that highlight the brand's values for more connection with consumers.
  • Inspirational: presenting a lifestyle where products are an integral part of customers' daily lives.

The brand has thus opted for content primarily focused on the unboxing experience, a perfectly adapted approach to showcase figurines. This strategy allows, indeed, to evoke surprise from the first online discovery, thereby reinforcing the desire to relive this experience in real-time.

What makes the Aploze solution a real asset?

As many brands, Sideshow has decided to use several shoppable video display formats depending on the page, along with our Boost feature to present the specifics of its figurines in detail.

Carousel: Brands showcase a playlist of shoppable videos in a carousel format, allowing visitors to navigate through different available videos. The goal is to offer a new product discovery experience based on video content.

Floating Highlight: This video widget appears on selected pages of the website, capturing visitors' attention and enjoying a high click-through rate (7%), engaging prospects in the video feed of Highlight.

Boosts : Brands incorporate rich content to add information to their videos, such as promotions, recommendations, limited-time offers, data collection, etc. optimizing conversion.

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