Logo - Kids around

Kids around achieves €22,000 in sales during its live shopping event

Children dressed in Kids around brands

Kids around has always believed in live shopping potential, but creating a successful live event is not as straightforward. That's why we offer personalized support to strategize, market, and create impactful live experiences. Whether it's in terms of live shopping or shoppable videos, they have embraced our advice, and it is clearly reflected in their results.

Kids around key figures


Conversion rate on shoppable videos


Total sales of the last live shopping


Bounce rate (46.97 % on Kids around website)

What strategy should be adopted?

A Back-to-School-themed live shopping experience

During its latest live shopping, Kids around showcased its Back-to-School collection featuring the brand Billieblush. The captivating presentation, however, unveiled a thoughtfully crafted strategy.

Indeed, what is crucial in live shopping is to feel guided and advised by the hosts. Therefore, the first key strategy is to choose them wisely, and this was precisely the case. Manon, the e-shop manager, and Agathe, the brand's product manager, were the perfect duo in terms of expertise and advice.

Next, it's essential to set the stage, a task expertly handled by Manon, who succinctly explained the live shopping concept and its workings for users who were new to this type of event.

Lastly, maintaining audience engagement is crucial. Presenting an outfits overview (current trends, sportswear, and festive looks) along with the promise of exciting giveaways only served to pique the audience's curiosity and keep them eagerly anticipating more.

Two gift cards, each valued at €100, were then offered during instant-win moments, and a promotion of -25% with free delivery was extended to all viewers.

Interaction also played a crucial role, enabled by our moderation tool. Indeed, moderators can:

  • Write a message that will be sent in the chat on behalf of the brand with associated branding
  • Select a viewer's message to respond to
  • Compose a message that will be pinned at the top of the chat
  • Choose a message from the chat to display to the live host, and create interaction with the audience

Branded Highlight

Being a distributor, Kids around uses our shoppable video solution to craft an extensive catalog featuring all the brands it carries.

The strategy behind shoppable videos is to showcase products one desires, capturing the visitor's attention upon their arrival on the site. It's crucial to remember that our attention span increases from 8 seconds for a site without video to 7 minutes for a site that incorporates video, so it's essential to make the right choices!

In the end, repurposing live shopping content as shoppable videos makes sense because it goes beyond creating fleeting content. Instead, it motivates users to watch the replay and leverage features like cart synchronization and other advantages it provides.

"We are thrilled at every level with Aploze's support. From implementation to performance tracking, the teams are responsive and very available."

Manon Boutin - Kids aroundManon Boutin, E-store & Studio Manager - CWF

What makes the Aploze solution a real asset?

Assistance, our number one priority

With over a year of experience in live shopping, Kids around has witnessed a significant surge in performance since incorporating our solution.

The key differentiator? Support. We offer expert advice and support to our clients, from implementing the solution to devising effective strategies. 

Furthermore, our tracking tool allows you to monitor results in real-time, giving you the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy. The objective is continuous evolution, offering live sessions and Highlights that precisely cater to the needs of your customers. 

Features designed to boost your audience reach

Floating Player : a video module that appears on the brand's eCommerce site during the live phase, capturing a portion of its organic traffic and redirecting it to the live shopping event.

Widget produit : automatically integrating into product listings entered in the Aploze back office, this module adapts based on the timing of the event. It empowers the brand to leverage content created during live shopping events by seamlessly incorporating it directly into its product pages. 

Picture in Picture : widget allowing the video to minimize on the brand's site when a viewer clicks on a product page from the live experience and exits the event.

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