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Adopt makes a splash with the live shopping event for Advent calendars

Advent Calendars - Adopt

From one calendar box to another, Adopt succeeded in captivating its viewers, gradually unveiling the hidden treasures of its three Advent calendars.

Results achieved by Adopt


Live shopping conversion rate


Live shopping engagement rate



Why did Adopt achieve such results?

With over 23,000 visitors combining live and replay, Adopt successfully employed the right strategy to generate engagement and conversions.

Contrary to popular belief, which often emphasizes grand production efforts and selection of renowned influencers, Adopt proved that the success of a live shopping event primarily hinges on value proposition.

Indeed, by introducing an exclusive theme and committing to a live presentation of new calendars, Adopt successfully united its community of prospects and clients for this event.

In the end, visitors preferred this exclusive and authentic experience where they could benefit from tailored advice and explanations, rather than other live shopping hosted by influencers less closely connected to the brand.

How to pinpoint a successful strategy?

Success in live shopping relies on two fundamental pillars 

Firstly, it's crucial to generate enthusiasm among viewers to encourage their participation in the event. This desire is often triggered by elements of surprise, such as product launches, as demonstrated by Adopt with its Advent calendars, as well as by choosing the ideal timing for the broadcast. In the case of Adopt, the announcement of the calendars perfectly coincided with the Christmas season.

However, key to success doesn't stop there. Once viewers are connected, it's imperative to keep them engaged. The longer they stay connected, the more interested they become, and the more likely they are to buy.

The Adopt presenters applied this strategy with skill, starting with the announcement of promo codes at the very beginning of the live session, engaging the audience with instant wins and prizes, and showcasing the unboxing of calendar products. All elements were in place to keep viewers captivated.

Interaction played a crucial role as it's important to remember that these events are primarily about sharing moments and providing advice. Asking visitors which calendar box they would like to open proved to be an excellent way to encourage their participation and engagement.

"Thanks to Aploze's Live Shopping solution, we can interact in a very high-quality manner with our customer community. It's an opportunity for Adopt to present the latest developments of the brand directly to interested customers and address their questions. We've also been able to enhance our product sheets with targeted videos, providing tailored advice and explanations. We are highly satisfied with this collaboration with Aploze."

Aurélie Gand - AdoptAurélie Gand, Digital and E-commerce Director - Adopt

What makes the Aploze solution a real asset?

Adopting our solution allows you to combine support and technology, leading to conversion.

Indeed, our various features aim to guide your visitors effectively.

  • Floating Player: video module that appears on the brand's eCommerce site during the live phase to capture a portion of its organic traffic and redirect it to the live shopping event.
  • Product Widget: a module that automatically integrates into product listings provided from the Aploze back office. The module adapts based on the timing of the event, enabling the brand to capitalize on the content created during a live shopping event by incorporating it directly into its product listings.
  • Picture in Picture: a widget that reduces the video on the brand's site when a viewer clicks on a product page from the live experience and exits the live event.
  • Mobile Streaming App: capture a live shopping event directly from a smartphone using the Aploze app, minimizing production costs and enabling the launch of a live simply and quickly.

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